No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Editor’s Letter March 2017

publication date: Mar 15, 2017
author/source: Nitro, The Beast


Editor’s Letter March 2017

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen! Once again, your favorite Beast brings you another awesome edition of No Joke Lifestyle’s online magazine! Spring is here and we got some relevant articles to keep you moving. I’d like to give thanks to everyone who helped make this edition happen:

  • Thanks to God, because of you I can do all things!
  • Thanks to Gary Williamson for co-editing
  • Thanks to All the writers who contributed this month
  • Last but not least, thanks to all the subscribers!

I’m still working on getting involved in other sports to cover. Drug-Free Bodybuilding will always be at the center of what this lifestyle is all about, however, this is about drug free athletes as a whole. Keep it locked as we grow and of course tell all your friends and family to subscribe and support us. Trust me when I say, without subscribers like you, this magazine will not exist! Also, stay tuned for show coverage! Bodybuilding season is here! Thanks, and see you next month!


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