No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Bridgette Massey Peterson’s Bio

publication date: Aug 4, 2016
author/source: Bridgette Peterson


Bridgette Massey Peterson’s Bio

I was born and raised in Princeton, New Jersey, December 1963; I began my fitness journey in the early 1980’s as an aerobics instructor, working part time, while I was attending Rutgers University. In 1994 after living in the Washington DC area, where I continued to teach aerobics and my desire to be a bodybuilder was nourished and I began running middle distances (10K), I moved to Atlanta GA. I became a vegan not long after moving to Atlanta and prior to the birth of my two children Matthew (19) and Alexandra (16), The changes in my health were amazing I have so much energy and I enjoy being active I have hiked many sections of the Appalachian trail doing 40 and 60 mile treks in three days. I ran several half marathons and some mud runs (Muddy Buddy, Warrior Dash and Savage Race. I obtained my first Personal Training certification in 2008; I am currently certified with ISSA. I became a licensed Massage Therapist in January 2010. I embarked upon my women’s athletic (Physique) with my first show in June 2015 at the DFAC Georgia National Championships where I won second place; I placed fourth in the DFAC World Championships in October 2015, second in the inaugural DFAC Diva Classic in April 2016, June 2016 I won the DFAC GA National Championships, Jul 2016 I won my Pro Card in Women’s Physique At the GA ANBF and I plan on competing again in the DFAC Worlds this October.

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