No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Coach Herb Cables Bio

publication date: Jul 5, 2016
author/source: Herb Cables

"Coach Herb”, a personal trainer for over 25 years, was 2005 Natural Mr. Georgia, and is currently a judge for several organizations.He studied at Southern CT State University to get a BSc. in Human Performance and a minor in Nutrition.

Herb has many years of experience preparing athletes for competition from football to tennis, swimming and diving, running and biking, and, of course, bodybuilding, physique, bikini and figure.

Herb has more recently become the Director of Personal Training for the National Association for Fitness Certification.

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Studio Address: 6780 Roswell Rd. Suite 100D, Atlanta GA, 30328


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