No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Editor's Letter August 2016

publication date: Aug 4, 2016
author/source: Nitro, The Beast

Editor’s Letter {August 2016}

Ladies and Gentlemen! You know who it is! It’s your Favorite Beast; Nitro! Wow, is it just me…. or did August show up a little bit quicker than usual? Well brace yourselves, because we are at it again with another awesome issue just for you! Before I give you a brief summary of what’s in store, allow me to give thanks to God for giving me the vision, drive, ability, and assets to make these issues happen.

I’m very blessed to have a great team working with me behind the scenes making the magic happen. Gary Williamson has been doing an incredible job being my second set of eyes keeping the grammar and spelling on point and helping with other factors in the daily operation of the magazine. Then there’s Robert Rainbow- who’s our official photographer, who took Mark and Yevette Ray’s photo that’s on this month’s cover and did the photo shoot for this month’s Beauty and the Beast pictorial. Also, a very special thanks to our graphics designer Jewel of Offspring Design, for making all of our images and cover look so good!

Now, lets talk about this month’s issue and what’s coming up next. I got to give Gary Williamson, Chairman of the Southeast Natural Muscle Association, a huge pat on the back for promoting his 1st bodybuilding event last month! The Peach State Classic was awesome, there are several interviews from the show inside, so make sure you visit that page. Skip Gillion also put on his first show in July that was part of the ANBF organization, and your Favorite Beast was in the building getting interviews fresh off the stage! We are covering a wide range of topics this month, and I’d like to send a big shout out to all of the writers who took the time to submit each article. Like I've said before… what’s a magazine without writers and readers? Before I step aside and let everyone dive in to the August issue, I must say thank you to every single person that signed up and became a member last month! Each member is important, without you, I’m just talking (well, typing to myself). So, sign in and dive in, and if you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to contact us and give us your input. After all, we are doing this for you.

Thank you,


2 Comments Posted Leave a comment

Bridgette M.Peterson (Atlanta)
John Cubit (Lexingtin)

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