No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Editor’s Letter February 2017

publication date: Feb 11, 2017
author/source: Nitro, The Beast


Editor’s Letter February 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen! It’s your favorite Beast bringing you the latest updates with the magazine and the movement! This issue comes to you with a bit of a delay. My laptop needs to have the motherboard replaced. They say it should run like new once I get this taken care of. There are moves being made to get a new computer added to the arsenal. The magazine is growing, so we got to grow with it!

Now let’s talk about this current issue. On the cover, it’s your favorite Beast himself! The cover story talks about some of the challenges I face with keeping the magazine going and growing. Make sure you check it out! Also, lots of articles going along with the “love theme” for the month. For example, our new monthly feature BeautiFlexx has a story about Leigh Lowery and how the love of fitness helped save her life! Matt Anderson has an article about reasons why you should love your gym this Valentine’s day. It doesn’t stop there! Carlos Love wrote an important one for y'all regarding the “Love Of Fitness.” Also, Danny Cole, better known as “The Formula Coach”, keeps your momentum flowing for those having a tough time with the new year with his article: “Why 2017 Might Suck.” This month’s Beauty and the Beast present the awesome bodies of Prudence Forrester and Derek Davis. Make sure you take a look and learn all about them! There are other informative articles included this month like we do every month, so scroll through and enjoy!

Before I go, allow me to give thanks. Thanks to our heavenly Father up above, because without Him, none of this is possible. Plus, I’d like to thank my teammates Gary Williamson and Robert Rainbow for all the help they give behind the scenes. Thanks to the all the writers! If the writers don’t take the time to write, then we wouldn’t have a magazine for you guys. Last but certainly not least, to all the subscribers who got their subscriptions, thank you so much!

Next month I’m going to include videos with my letter and my article. It’s a new world and people love to watch videos. So keep it locked as we evolve with the times! I look forward to bringing you another incredible issue next month. Make sure you tell your friends and family to subscribe and support. Until next month, stay healthy and drug-free my friends!


Your favorite Beast

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