No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Editor’s Letter November 2016

publication date: Nov 11, 2016
author/source: Nitro, The Beast

Editor’s Letter November 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen, you know who it is! It’s your favorite Beast and Editor-In-Chief: Nitro. Thanks once again for tuning in and being a part of the movement. Over the last few months there have been lots of technical challenges along the way developing this magazine into becoming the best of its kind. I finally got my laptop functioning on all cylinders. Apparently it’s a lot like a phone. You have to keep updating the software to keep up with the times and you have to have your hardware up to date as well. So with new hard drive in place and a few upgrades, we are back at it!

Allow me to say thanks to the ones who made this all possible.

  • 1st, thanks to God for giving me the vision, and the drive to not only create this, but to keep going when things get tough.
  • 2nd, huge shout out to my teammates making things happen behind the scenes. Thanks Gary Williamson for Co-Editing the content and keeping the team on track. Also, there are the incredible photos from Robert Rainbow. He took the pics of this month’s Beast and as usual he never disappoints!
  • 3rd, the writers who take time from their busy schedules to keep our content fresh and helpful to beasts and humans
  • 4th, last but not least, the subscribers who made the effort to join the movement. I always say, “What’s a magazine without writers and readers?”

Now let’s discuss November 2016! On the cover is no other than our sponsored athlete “NATTY PRO JJ”. He has some incredible nutrition plans that he’s going to make available to the public. Coming soon to our online store: . I’ve seen some of the results and they are incredible! Make sure you check out the cover story! Also, since it’s the holidays, we have articles to keep you on track and give you tips as well as motivation.

I’m going to get out the way so you can sign up, sign in, and dive in. I’d like to say that as we grow and cover more shows, we need more support. Make sure you tell your friends and family to become members. This is “our” magazine. If we don’t come together, natural bodybuilding will not survive. This is our lifestyle…. And it’s NO JOKE.


Your favorite BEAST,

And Editor-In-Chief


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