No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Jennifer Marsala Bio

publication date: Jul 5, 2016
author/source: Jennifer Marsala


Jennifer Marsala Bio

I graduated sum cum laude with high honors from Canisius College. I was ranked in the top 10 of my graduating class and first from the school of education. Currently I hold a Master of Science plus 60 in physical education and health education. I have been teaching physical education for 15 years. I am a mother to four beautiful children and married to Jerry Marsala, the owner of the Natural Muscle Association (NMA). I am a pro figure and fitness competitor and a former powerlifter with a record in the deadlift. Currently I am co-owner of Natural Muscle Association. I have been involved with judging, promoting, coaching, personal training / nutrition and prep coaching in bodybuilding, for 21 years. Last but not least, I love to bake cakes - yes cake!

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