No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Megan Rogers Bio:

publication date: Aug 4, 2016
author/source: Megan Rogers

My name is Megan Rogers. I am a personal trainer and group fitness instructor. Your health is very important to me! My goal is to prove to you how important it is to exercise and to live a healthy lifestyle. As a personal trainer, I want your experience to be exhilarating! My promise to you, is to get you motivated about your goals and to provide you with professional exercises that fit your fitness level. I am here to set you up for success. I will get you where you want to be and make it everlasting. You will never want to go back to your old ways after you have learned and experienced the value of being healthy.

I’ve been involved with sports throughout my entire life and I have always enjoyed working out. I have multiple certifications and have taught several different aerobic/group classes. My bachelor’s degree is in Health and Physical Education; I have a specialization in Human Performance. My minor is in personal training and group fitness instruction. I’m always working on continuing my level of education. I enjoy learning and believe education is very important. I am also a Figure competitor; I earned my pro card from the NMA, in 2014. Another love of mine is running races: mud runs, obstacle course races, snowshoe races, etc. I love to run!

I love people and helping them be the best that they can be! I know what it is like for no one to believe in you and to have no support. This is why I love my job! I get to give that to the people I personally train. I have learned a lot throughout my journey and have been through a lot to understand that the struggle is real. I'm not only a personal trainer, but a life coach that will be there for anyone that needs it. I want others to value their lives in all aspects: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Most importantly, I want them to value their health and live a healthy life style. I have worked with a diverse group of people and I am confident that I can help you excel in what your goals and desires are, no matter what age, gender, or fitness level you’re currently at. So what are you waiting for? Come meet me today and let’s get started!


Bachelors Degree in Health and Physical Education specialized in Human Performance

Minor in Personal Training and Group Fitness Instructor

CPR, AED certified

AFFA Group Fitness Instructor

TRX certified

CrossFit Judge Certified


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