No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Robert Rainbow Bio

publication date: Aug 5, 2016
author/source: Robert Rainbow

My info:

Robert Rainbow, owner of Robert Rainbow Photography and Map Studio, LLC, is a fitness, fashion, fine art, real estate, and lifestyle photographer who brings the personality, physique, and the physical prowess of each athlete to life. From the every day athlete to the seasoned, professional that wants to showcase their athletic journey, he brings your fitness to the forefront in photos. He works with all athletes from fitness trainers, fitness models, body builders and on stage competitors to every day athletes looking to showcase his or her progress and transformation.

Make A Statement Without Saying A Word

While some people take a paint brush, others take a pen, Robert Rainbow takes his camera and expresses emotion through his photos. His subjects include fitness, fine art, nudes, boudoir, bodyscapes, photo journalism, and photo journalistic photography, shape and lightning and how they mix and mingle, interiors, buildings and real estate and architecture all over the world. And in his words, “I like the challenge of every meaning, of every structure and subject. It is all a stunning, complex and gorgeous puzzle.”

A Storyteller With His Camera

Robert Rainbow is a storyteller with a camera. He tells a story and asks you the why of why you are there, what you want to create and what’s the narrative you want him to create.


Robert Rainbow Photography & MAP Studio, LLC with partner Paul Columbo.

Phone: 678 870 4101

Studio: 1590 North Roberts Road Suite 303 Kennesaw Ga. 30144.

Website: and




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