No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

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Editor’s Letter

Greetings!!!! It’s your favorite BEAST & Editor-In-Chief here to let you know what we have happening and of course, what’s coming next!

First, let me give thanks. Thanks to God for everything, without Him I am lost. Next, to all the writers who took time from their busy schedules to write for the magazine. My incredible web designer, Deima, and Pat, our director who created our incredible look! Last, but of course not least… THE FANS! Thanks for taking the time to read and share everything we bring to life!

Let’s discuss the content in issue #5. Our cover story features Roman Sarah, she is an amazing individual, her story has a lot more to it than just weight loss. Make sure you check it out! We also have a new writer, Jonathan Miller. I’m excited to have him on board, he’s a triathlete, and you have to be a BEAST to be a part of that sport and of course, be a dominate force. We also have a bonus article submitted by my friend Georgia Moore, she kicked the smoking habit and wants to share her insight about it. Jerome, Megan, and Tamekia are also back on the scene with articles that inform and motivate as well.

As for what’s going on in the near future, I’ll be on the scene covering more natural bodybuilding shows and other sporting events. Make sure you keep it locked here for the latest and greatest info! Contact me to join my mailing list, or follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In (Links are on the home page). You can also simply tune in right here to the magazine because ~The BEAST Tweets scroll across the mag as they happen. Besides up to date info, I’ll always give you motivation with BEASTLY Quotes!

Last but not least, I’m bringing more video projects to you! People are loving my “Urban Sermon”! That’s me in action with gospel music in the background. Then there’s “Highlights”, where I visit Beauty & Beasts in there natural habitat. With more projects on deck, you have to stay tuned to see what happens next!

Once again, to all the fans, my staff and friends, I say:
Thank you.

~Nitro, Editor-In-Chief of: and Trainer:



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