No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

When it comes to living healthy and drug free, we don't clown around!

Danny Cole's Bio

publication date: Jun 1, 2016
author/source: Danny Cole: The Formula Coach

Danny Cole is the founder of The Formula Coaching Systems, a Certified NLP Master Practitioner, a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Certified Life Coach, an author, motivational speaker, co-host on mBodyment Radio, Director of Sales for New Beginning Financial Group, and, in his spare time, a yoga instructor.

His mission is to empower, inspire, and motivate others to living a happier and more successful life. He does this by helping people to eliminate self-imposed limitations, fears and phobias, while increasing their self-confidence and finding their unique formula to achieve the life of their dreams.

If you would like to get a copy of his book or contact him do so by going to,, or go to and search Danny Cole. And remember to follow Danny Cole on Facebook!

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