No Joke Lifestyle: March 2017

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Editor's Letter

publication date: Jun 1, 2016
author/source: Nitro, The Beast

     Ladies and gentlemen… You know who it is… It’s your favorite BEAST and Editor-In-Chief, Nitro! Wow, it’s been too long since I’ve written one of these, and I got to admit, it's good to be back! Truth be told, some would say I never really left. Even though the site wasn’t being updated, I was still on the move doing interviews at at least one show a year and on my social media outlets giving motivation and inspiration wherever and whenever I can. I’ve got a lot to fill everyone in on so let me get right to it.

     First, let me address the new friends, fans and followers who came aboard recently. I just want to say thanks, and its been a pleasure to meet so many new people in person and online. Second of all, to the ones that have known me for a long time. Thanks for continuing to roll with me as I grow and learn how use this platform in a way that helps the sport of natural bodybuilding and to spread the message of healthy living.

     Now… time for past, present and most importantly the future of No Joke Lifestyle. As all of the fans and friends know that have been with me for a while, the website was stuck for a very long time, and here’s why: In the past I had an entire team of people helping me with the magazine. I “paid” for this service by bartering my personal training services for their services. So, when I moved, and no longer was able to provide my part of the trade, the magazine naturally suffered since I was now asking a favor when it came to updating the site. It was the equivalent of having a really nice jet, with no pilot to fly it.

     Then everything changed when Gary Williamson asked me to join forces with him and Robert Rainbow, an incredible photographer, to create a media group called RiNG. Gary is a brand new promoter with the Natural Muscle Association. I got introduced to Jerry Marsala, CEO of the NMA, and BOOM! Just like that, I’m invited to cover all of the NMA shows (I’ve already interviewed at 2 of their shows for the year thus far).

     So let’s talk about what’s happening right now! We moved the site to a brand new platform, and the web designers are working to give me full control of the entire content portion as they build the new and improved site from scratch! The new site will cater to members who sign up for subscriptions. Everyone else will have limited access to exclusive content. Which means future video interviews and articles, will be for MEMBERS ONLY! This issue will be 100% free to give you a sample of what's coming your way.  

We have a special offer to kick things off for our new subscribers, from now until July 4th, we are offering a one-time deal. $9.00 for a yearly subscription for the loyal and new fans! After that it will be $20.00 per year. So don’t miss out on this incredible offer. Also, the June 2016 issue will be 100 percent free for everyone to access!

Thanks in advance for all your love and support, from the bottom of my heart. Stay tuned, and stay BEASTLY my friends. Grrrrrrrr!


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