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Like A Virgin

publication date: May 27, 2016
author/source: Gary Williamson

Like A Virgin

Just like that iconic pop song from the 80’s, I have found myself “touched for the very first time”. Touched to see the hard work that fitness buffs put in day after day, week after week. Then they go out under the lights, for all the world to see (and judge), and bare their bodies and souls hoping to place or be called the overall champion.

The call came in June of last year. A guy I grew up with in my adolescence in Amherst NY, Jerry Marsala, was asking me to run some shows in the Atlanta area. I thought to myself, I don’t know how to do that. After doing some research and some serious prayer, I decided to go for it! So here I am, preparing to run my first bodybuilding/bikini/figure and physique show, the Peach State Classic in July.

It has been an interesting journey so far. Attending shows, seminars on posing, friending people on Facebook, selecting a photographer, spray tanner, not to mention getting the perfect venue and myriad of details of which there are too many to mention for this article. Did I mention that I teach full time and I am a single father raising a college student (for those who know the job doesn’t end at high school graduation)?

The answer is…partially (you know you’re thinking it- is this guy crazy)? What can I say, I have a passion for people and education and what better way to educate people on a healthy lifestyle than the bodybuilding/physique business. I will share my journey in this column as will other promoters in the future. This is a side that is rarely discussed but I believe is important enough to share due to the work and effort put into promoting a well -run show.


Next month I will continue this segment with part two of three and discuss some of the more difficult parts of promotion that I have faced. Understanding the judging criteria (still working on that) as well as what the competitors need from the promoters.

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